


Baptismal Instruction - Both parents (at least one must) and godparents are cordially invited to attend the baptismal instruction, which must be completed before the baptism and may be done during pregnancy. Baptismal instruction is scheduled on the first Sunday of the month via Zoom.

Parents can arrange for the baptism of their child by calling the Rectory at (908)232-8137.

Blessed Lessons

To help prepare our students for Reconciliation and First Eucharist, we use Dynamic Catholic's Blessed series.  This unique program educates children about the sacraments through beautifully illustrated and animated videos.


First Reconciliation & First Eucharist

In addition to the grade-appropriate instruction, children must attend sacrament preparation classes before making the First Eucharist and First Reconciliation. This generally occurs in Second Grade; for each sacrament, children will complete three lessons in the Parish Center with their peers and three lessons provided by us at home with their families.


Candidates for Confirmation will usually receive the sacrament in the spring of 10th grade after completing the Chosen program in grades 7 & 8, the Decision Point programs in grades 9 & 10, and participating in faith-sharing groups through youth ministry.  You can access the Decision Point videos here.  Candidates will also attend a retreat and participate in the Rite of Choice and Rite of Enrollment Services.