Community Engagement

The church is not a building but a community of the faithful spread worldwide. We provide many events and opportunities to give our children access to that community. Joining the church means participating with the other faithful community members in support and celebration.

Family Gathering Component

Family Gathering Component - Children in grades 1-6 must attend a minimum of 3 Family Gatherings with their families and submit a reflection for each. While only children grades 1-6 are required to attend, many events are open to parishioners of all ages, and everyone is welcome to join in the fun! Some examples of Family Gathering events are the Christmas Pageant, the All Saints Day gathering, the annual Blessing of the Pets, or attending our music ministry offerings.

Youth Ministry Component

Youth Ministry Component - once the children are in 7th grade and start exercising their independence, the family gathering component is replaced with Youth Ministry as a way for the children to engage the community with their peers. Learn more about Youth Ministry here.